
Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

The Importance of Play

At Springhead Primary School play is seen as an integral part of the Foundation Stage curriculum. We closely follow the work of Julien Grenier and how to build a curriculum which is rich in communication, language and learning.


Play provides so many benefits for our children,


  • Children learn through discovery. Play enables deeper learning where children learn what is true and also why it is true.
  • Children enjoy play, which can enhance motivation, engagement and focus during learning.
  • Children’s creativity is encouraged as they use play scenarios to apply their imagination, practice fantasies and see if their thoughts and ideas work.
  • Language development occurs as pupils observe, mimic and test language alongside peers.
  • Physical play promotes health and physical development, including both fine and gross motor skills.
  • Learning within 'real life' contexts.
  • Promotion of language and social skills.
  • Prolonged engagement of children in their play.

