Craft Club is open to Year 2 children only. It runs on a Wednesday lunch time every other half term. There are 12 spaces available and after that there will be a waiting list.
Autumn term 1
Spring term 1
Summer term 1
This term we are completing a drawing a painting project. Check back here each week to see how our drawing's develop to create our final work of art, similar to that in the style of Simon Bonner.
Summer Term
As requested by the children, this term we will be learning to use water paints to create our botanical project.
First we explored the use of water paints for mark making using the wet on wet technique. We learnt how to make a colour lighter or darker. Then we added patterns and prints, using the dry and dry on technique to produce dots, lines and splattering/splashing as well as other resources such as tissues for blotting. After that we discussed blending and colour mixing to create a light coloured background for our individual projects.
Spring Term
This term we have been focusing on the art of weaving. We started off by looking at different weaved products and discussed how to weave. The children each made their own looming board using card and wool. This was a great team building opportunity as children worked in small groups to measure and cut the wool. They then listened carefully to learn how to tie a knot - a tricky skill for 6 and 7 year olds, but with perseverance we were able to complete our task.
The following week, we were pattern seekers and started our weaving. The children were silent as they concentrated so hard to weave their coloured card, ensuring the patterns of 'under, over' was achieved. All craft club members described this session as 'tricky but fun' as they explained its an activity which they don't do at home.
Finally, we added some pictures to our landscapes to make each of them unique. Some children went with a natural forest theme, whilst others recreated the zoo.
Autumn term - Collage
We focused our work this term on collage. What is collage? What makes collage an interesting art form? Are all collages the same?
The start of our sessions we experimented with collaging using tissue paper - our focus was scissor skills and control of equipment. Next, we moved on to collaging within smaller spaces and minimising the white areas. Children discussed their selection of resources and some even decided to experiment with the resources to make their work have a 3D effect.
Here are some other things we have been up to during our time in craft club!