
Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Digital Leaders



What is a digital leader?

A Digital Leader is a pupil who is part of a Digital Leaders Team within a school, whose role it is to support the use and to further the development of ICT in school. Their roles are to:


  • help staff get computing equipment ready and organised (charging laptops and iPads)

  • attend or lead computing clubs (DoodleMaths/Code Club)

  • deliver and help teachers deliver online safety curriculum to own class and other classes in the school

  • help produce and deliver assemblies about online safety and acceptable use of equipment, devices and programs (games)

  • demonstrate how to use technology in the classroom

  • demonstrate how to use everyday programs (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Publisher) and easy to use website to other students and staff

  • demonstrate how to use apps and websites to enhance teaching and learning (Google Classroom, different quiz software, DoodleMaths)

  • organise and judge competitions

  • try out and review new apps, websites and programs which could be used in lessons

  • help organise Safer Internet Day


Our digtal leaders this year are:

 Emily G and Edward W (Year 6)

Summer CH and Ashton S (Year 5)


In the following weeks, the digital leaders will be collecting information from their classes regarding how much screen time each class is exposed to. They will then highlight ideas on how much is too much and what to do if they are experiencing any issues from too much exposure. They will be asking their peers what digital devices they use and what programs and applications they spend time on. The Digital Leaders will try to help them use them safely and answer any questions the children have about using digital devices.


Our four digital leaders made some online posters and took them to be displayed in Haltemprice library. The library used them as part of their Safer Internet Day campaign too. Well done to the Digital Leaders.

Online Safety in the Community


The digital leaders wanted to put their posters in other community venues. The Willerby Guide Hut is proudly displaying our posters helping hundreds of local Rainbows, Brownies and Guides stay safe on the internet.





Please click on the link below to see our 4 digital leaders deliver a brilliant online assembly to mark Safer Internet Day
