
Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement


At Springhead School we value the importance of science as a core subject and as being fundamental in learners’ understanding of the world around them. We intend to ignite ambition in our learners through science lessons that are engaging, memorable and relevant. Through different types of scientific enquiry and well planned learning opportunities, learners will be guided to create and answer their own questions about the natural and man-made world around them. We hope to increase the cultural capital of our learners by encouraging them to talk about their learning and be confident in using scientific vocabulary. In order to make learning relevant, topics are planned to incorporate learning about key scientists throughout history and how their discoveries shaped the understanding we have today. Furthermore, by exposing our learners to careers that link to their learning we hope to inspire them to strive for ambitious careers in the future. Our aim is for learners to leave our school as confident, knowledgeable, excited scientists.



  • Using the National Curriculum as a basis we have designed a bespoke science curriculum. This is documented through individual knowledge organisers for each topic. Teachers plan each unit using a range of quality resources and according to the progression documents. Scientific enquiry is at heart of each unit.

  • Science topics are taught in an order that makes sense in relation to other subjects and seasons.

  • Learners are provided with a road map at the beginning of each new topic which allows them to see the learning journey they will take over the course of a topic. Learners are encouraged to look back over their journey throughout the topic and reflect on what they have learned.

  • Learners use mind maps as a tool for revisiting and revising their previous learning. Mind maps are built up over the course of a topic and support learners to build upon their learning and make connections in subsequent topics.

  • Lessons are adapted so that learners with additional needs can access the same quality education as their peers.

  • Learners at Springhead say that their favourite science lessons are ones where they are able to carry out experiments and have hands-on experiences. Where possible, lessons are planned to enable learners to learn through experiences.

  • Learners at Springhead say that their least favourite part about science is when they have to write a lot. Although we recognise the importance of learners applying their English skills across the curriculum, teachers also plan alternative ways for them to record their learning.

  • Understanding in science is assessed regularly through a variety of formative assessment methods. Misconceptions are addressed immediately and where necessary, teachers will adjust subsequent lessons based on their assessments.

  • Scientific enquiry takes place in every topic in every year group and there is a coherent progression in the development of these skills across the year groups.

  • We are lucky enough to have close links with a local STEM ambassador, who runs a weekly science club for years 3 and 4. She also runs workshops in school time and supports the subject leader with curriculum planning.

  • Science resources at Springhead have recently been audited and a coherent inventory was produced. This allows teachers to easily access the resources required to implement a quality curriculum. There is money set aside in the budget for new science resources when required.

  • Where appropriate, high quality fiction and non-fiction texts are used to compliment science topics.



  • A recent pupil voice survey revealed that learners at Springhead School enjoy science, they know where to go for help and can recall learning beyond their current year group.

  • Most of our learners will achieve age related expectations in science at the end of each year.

  • Learners will retain their previous learning and build upon it in the future.

  • Learner will feel confident to ask questions, suggest answers to questions and use scientific vocabulary when talking about their learning.

  • Learners will feel confident to talk about their learning in science.  
