
Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Uniform Information

School Uniform


The school governors and staff encourage the wearing of school uniform. It promotes a feeling of belonging, as well as being practical and cheaper than alternative children’s clothing. 



Our Uniform

  • royal blue school sweatshirt/cardigan 
  • white shirt or polo shirt
  • plain grey or black trousers or short trousers
  • grey skirt or pinafore dress
  • summer dress in blue/white check
  • plain socks or tights in  grey or black
  • black flat-soled shoes, or sandals (not trainers)


On your child's PE days they should come to school already wearing their kit. This is blue shadow stripe shorts, Springhead logo blue tee-shirt and black sandshoes for indoor or trainers for outdoor lessons. Jogging or tracksuit bottoms would also be useful for outdoor use in colder weather, as well as their shorts for indoor activities. 


All uniform can be purchased online through the ParentPay site, from the office or Steady School Wear, or alternatively any retail outlet such as Asda, Tesco etc.


The school also holds second hand uniform sales at various points throughout the year. 


Hair Regulations

  • no colours
  • no tramlines
  • no Mohican


We ask parents/carers to adhere to these. We also ask that long hair (below the collar) is kept tied back both for safety and as a means of reducing the likelihood of the spread of headlice.


School Uniform Order Form Autumn 2024

School Uniform
