Cost of Living Help
In response to the cost-of-living crisis, East Riding of Yorkshire Council has launched a corporate ‘Help for Households’ campaign to draw all available help, advice and support together into one accessible package running across the whole of the East Riding.
The help, advice and support offered includes:
Help and support can be accessed via this website link Cost of living - help for households (
Benefit Advice
The Council are aware that millions of pounds in benefits goes unclaimed each year, this might be because people don’t know about the benefit or that they can’t claim themselves. The Council has a FREE tool which lets you check that you are getting all of the benefits which you are entitled to, and provide advice on how to make a claim. Go to to check if can any financial support today. If you can’t do this yourself, the Council have a helpful team of welfare visiting officers, who can support you through this process, email: to make a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL appointment today.
The Council has a FREE budgeting tool, this allows you to enter in all of your money coming into and out of the household, tells you where you are spending your money and provides tips on how to reduce your outgoings, such as changing Utility Suppliers. Have a go today, it’s confidential and you can use if as many times as you want, you’ll be surprised at when your hidden expenses are. Go to
If you would like to speak to the Councils helpful team of welfare visiting officers, email: to make a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL appointment today.
Food Banks
Households may also contact their nearest food bank where they require emergency support. Details of the nearest foodbank to you in the region can be found at
Emergency Assistance
The Council have an emergency assistance scheme available to residents who have had an interruption to their regular income or where they require support to remain in the Community, for more information, criteria of the grants and how to apply, go to