Emotional Well-Being
We pride ourselves in creating a school environment at Springhead, where commonalities are identified and celebrated, difference is valued and nurtured and bullying, harassment and violence are never tolerated.
Children’s well-being and happiness is at the very heart of Springhead's ethos.
Emotional well-being and Mental Health covers aspects of:
Work of this type in schools has shown to improve behaviour, learning, emotional literacy and mental health.
We have a very special room on site where children who need extra support in managing their emotional wellbeing can go to first thing in the morning to settle for the day in a calm, relaxed way. The room is full of soft furnishings, music and stimulating learning resources to help children to relax and meditate. The room is also used at break and lunch times when children are finding the playground over powering.
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
At Springhead we have a highly trained ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant). You will be notified by the school’s SENCo should we feel your child would benefit from seeing our ELSA. Examples of work covered during their sessions are social skills, emotions, bereavement, attachment, social stories and therapeutic stories, anger management, self-esteem and friendships. In addition, targeted research based interventions, such as Lego Therapy, are used to address these areas.
Website Links:
Recognising anxiety in children - https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/joinin/dualwa-anxiety-in-primary-school
CBeebies link for parents in recognising and dealing with signs of anxiety in their children.
Education Support.org - https://www.educationsupport.org.uk/helping-you/telephone-support-counselling
This organisation will provide confidential and emotional support from their helpline counselling team to teachers and educational staff who need support in these uncertain times.
For Me - https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/for-me/
This app includes all of Childline’s services in an app, with direct 121 access to a counsellor, videos, advice and chat on a range of issues that affect young people. It is safe and discreet and can only be accessed with a pin code. For Me was named and designed to blend in with other apps on your phone. That means that if anyone else sees the screen, they won't realise it's a Childline app. Available on iPhone only but all resources available via the website.
Chatter Pack - https://chatterpack.net/blogs/blog/list-of-free-speech-language-communication-and-send-resources-for-schools-and-parent-carers?fbclid=IwAR1nX3r1r3meowpnz582Va4UZOmQHm8gD8RwTtjQD4FXwDOr6w-2j0T3TqU
This website has lots of links to support communication and interaction for those who find this tricky.
Able 2 Learn - https://able2learn.com/
This website has lots of visual-based recipes and social stories to support understanding of feelings and instructions.
Learning 4 Kids - https://www.learning4kids.net/
A website with lots of hands-on activites for younger children and sensory activities which can be calming for all ages.
Little Bins for Little Hands - https://littlebinsforlittlehands.com/
Another website with lots of hands-on and sensory activities to provide some light relief.
Child Line - https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/
Lots of ideas to support your children with keeping calm.
For a change of scenery, try: