Homework Expectations in Year 2
Homework will consist of learning spellings for the weekly test, reading the school’s reading books (which are changed weekly) and completing DoodleMaths. Extra homework may be given out during the year if we feel your child may benefit from extra practice.
This is expected to be done on three separate occasions across each week. A minimum of 20 stars are to be achieved across the week. If we feel some children need this weekly allowance adjusting, we will contact you separately to discuss this. This is checked weekly.
Doodlemaths: login here
Children will be tested every Friday, in year 2. Children have a separate yellow booklet with each week’s spellings. There is also space available to write them out. There are some ideas to help support your child with spellings well as the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Word list.
Edshed: login here
Please write in your child’s record so that we know they have read – if we have to check with every child individually the time this takes soon adds up. Please continue to read regularly with your child and ensure you support your child to correct any mistakes. If children do not meet the weekly reading expectation (four times per week) they will be given time throughout the school day to do this.
We understand that sometimes it can be a challenge to encourage your child to complete their weekly homework. If you require any support with this, please do come and see us at the end of the school day and we will happily discuss this with you.