Some of the children from Year 6 took part in the Primary Maths Challenge.
This is a national competition. Well done for doing so well!
"It really made me think hard!" said Layla.
Year Six had a fantastic trip to the Guildhall to the Women in Manufacturing and Engineering day. We heard all about the amazing opportunities there are for jobs in our region and how using maths, science and technology is key to success.
Here are our winners of the Maths eye competition.
Well done to everyone who entered. Mr. Lees, the governor for maths, was very impressed with the quality and amount of entrants.
Some of Year Six took part in the Primary Maths Challenge for the first time this year. This is a national competition held by the Mathematical Association set to challenge pupils across the country.
Well done to them all, especially those Bronze and Silver certificate winners.
Whole School Trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park
KS 1 and 2 went to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park for an art and maths trip, using the sculptures as a stimulus for activities.
Robert Indiana is an American artist who uses numbers, letters and found materials to make his work. In his sculpture 'One through zero' the numbers and the colours used represent the stages of human life from birth to death. Indiana felt numbers were beautiful and important.
We participated in different maths activities linked to the sculpture.
123454321 is a sculpture by Sol LeWitt. As a sculptor, LeWitt experimented with cubes and created structures.
We thought about why the sculpture looked was called 123454321 and then worked out how many shapes it was made from and what the shapes were called. Some of us then calculated how many bricks made up each shape and what patterns there were.
Book Week
During Book Week, the children chose a word to dress up and represent. This young man in Year 1 chose 'Number' as his word.
The whole school took part in the 100 Maths challenge inspired by Captain Tom.
Over Maths week, the whole school took part in activities that involved the number 100. This included maths puzzles, tasks that took 100 seconds, activities that were done 100 times and finding 100 objects. The whole school managed to do 100 different tasks by the end of the week.