At Springhead School, we aim to provide a high quality, balanced Physical Education (PE) curriculum that all children can enjoy. We also want our children to experience a range of activities to help them develop their health, fitness and wellbeing. Our aim is to inspire them to succeed and be confident individuals in their next steps. Our ambition is to provide the children with the skills and knowledge to be able to compete and excel at sports, both individually and in a team. We want to give them the experience of being part of something special and being good at something they never thought was possible. By providing a range of after school activities, a broad PE curriculum and the chance to represent the school at a wide range of sports, we hope to have every child engaged at some point during their primary school years, therefore giving them the tools to be happy, healthy and proud adults in years to come.
PE is taught to each class on a weekly basis. In addition to this, sports coaches are also used to teach specific sports and skills. Springhead is also a member of the East Riding School Sports Partnership, which allows the children to compete in a wide range of sporting events both competitive and non-competitive throughout the year. The children have the opportunity to compete against other local schools with the chance of going further into regional competitions.
We follow the objectives from the National Curriculum to plan the content of our PE lessons, making sure we have a broad and balanced range of activities that challenge the children and hopefully inspire them to be the best that they can, opening up the world of sport and physical activity and giving them the drive and ambition to progress further.
In PE lessons the children are given the opportunity to experience a range of sports and activities including: invasion games, dance, body management, net and wall games, striking and fielding games and athletics. We also send our Year 4 class to the local sports centre for swimming lessons every year. Any children that do not meet the expected criteria are sent the following year for catch up lessons. As well as this we have sports coaches that come in throughout the year to teach a specialised skill and sport.
In addition to our curriculum commitment through PE towards developing healthy and active children, we also offer many other opportunities to support the children’s physical wellbeing. Our Year 6 children are given the opportunity to become Sports Leaders. This enables us to give the other children more structured break times and lunchtimes, as well as teaching them more sports and keeping them active throughout the school day. This also gives the leaders the tools to be confident and the opportunity to thrive in the next step of their journey.
Our Year 5 children have the opportunity to be Playground Buddies. Their role is to be responsible for playground sports equipment for use during break times and lunchtimes and encourage all children to be active. The Playground Buddies also arrange and set up games on the playground including: skipping, ball games and games using the playground markings.
Other means of promoting physical activity include:
At Springhead Primary School, we ensure that physical education and physical activity are taught through a broad and balanced curriculum which shows progression both in the children’s fitness and knowledge. We are committed to igniting the ambition and seeing the potential in every child. Not only does this come from the PE lessons but also from the after school clubs on offer to every child, the clubs run on a lunchtime by the children and the engagement in competitive sports through our involvement with the Schools Sports Partnership. We currently have a large proportion of children involved in some activity within the school week and we will work hard to give every child that experience. After a recent pupil survey, 93% of our children said that they enjoy PE lessons. Children understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the importance of regular exercise. We aspire for our children to enjoy PE, develop a love of sport and physical activity and we aim to have them ready for the next steps after leaving primary school. We celebrate all sporting achievements both in and out of school during our weekly merit assemblies.