
Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

School Meals




Fresh school meals are cooked on site daily. We have a very good cook, who has adopted the council's new healthy eating programme. Although children obviously will not be forced to eat anything they do not like, they are encouraged by the lunch time staff to try a spoonful of something new on the side of their plate. There is a choice of a hot meal (vegetarian option always available) or a sandwich meal.

We operate a staggered lunch system starting with our Reception pupils first at 11.55am. This is followed by KS1 then KS2 at 12.30pm. By staggering lunch times, time waiting in a queue is reduced and the children are given more time to eat their food with their peers. 



Menus are issued from by the council at the beginning of each term.


School meals are free to all children in primary schools in years Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. They are charged at £2.40 per day for children in Years 3 – 6.

