
Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Example of Children's Activities and Displays

Year 6 worked on writing some collaborative maths questions. They used the information given to write their own questions.

Our Reception and KS 1 children use Mastering Number to help develop their fluency in number.

Our Maths at Springhead

At Springhead, we ensure that our children have a depth of understanding in maths rather than just learning a 'method' without meaning.

We use maths manipulatives and pictorial representations objects to help with this before moving onto a more formal method.

Year Six are learning about what a square number is by making square blocks from cubes.

Year Three have been using the Base 10 equipment to explore place value

Year Four are using place value counters to understand exchange in addition

Year One are using cubes to problem solve

Reception have been exploring numbers

Year Five are using place value counters to revisit their understanding of exchange in subtraction

Year Two work collaboratively in practical tasks and on explanations and reasoning

Foundation stage have been doing their maths in the outdoor area

We use working walls to help us to remember our learning and the key vocabulary.

We looked at the work of Kandinsky to identify vocabulary associated with geometry.
