Welcome to Springhead Primary School
Headteacher’s Welcome
Welcome to Springhead Primary School and thank you for visiting our website. We believe that our school is a very special place for children to learn and we are delighted that parents choose our school for their children to embark on their learning journey.
Our children make Springhead a very special place and a pleasure to work in. They work very hard, achieve personal goals and provide us with countless reasons for celebrations. Our children are all individual and recognised as such; no one is ‘invisible’.
We aim to provide a challenging and inspiring curriculum which is of the highest quality, enabling all children to ‘ignite ambition’ and fulfil their potential. We believe that to expect a great deal from children, is to pay them a compliment - no one regrets their achievements.
We are proud of the strong sense of community that involves all those connected with the school. We constantly seek to develop a strong partnership between home and school and very much value the contributions our families make in supporting their child. Our ‘open door’ policy ensures that we are always here to talk or to listen and share in celebrations together.
Above all, we want our children to create many happy memories from their time with us.
Mrs N Prutton