The Governing Body
The Governing Body has three primary responsibilities. Firstly, for ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. Secondly, for holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils. Finally, for overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure the money is well spent.
Governors do not need specialist skills, just an ability to listen, think through new ideas and decide what is best for the school strategically as part of a team. Governors are not expected to make day-to-day decisions about how the school is run, this is the job of the headteacher.
For our school you know that our vision is:
Igniting Ambition
We believe that to expect a great deal from all children
is to pay them a compliment.
No-one ever regrets their achievements.
We are passionate that our teaching staff, and you, should ensure that every child in the school to be safe, cared for and given every possible encouragement to succeed in all aspects of school life. We are determined to ensure that all children leave our care achieving high levels in English and Maths. We need to give them the ambition to achieve their maximum capability in their future education and beyond.
Governor Activities
Governors organise specific monitoring activities linked to the School Improvement Plan and will visit the school throughout each term to look at progress in these areas. These visits include a variety of activities, according to the area being monitored. They could include; talking to pupils or staff, looking at pupils work and displays or meeting with subject leaders.
Every governor who is part of the Full Governing Body, is actively involved in monitoring activities every term and may be part of any working parties or other committees as needed. The Governing Body work hard to ensure that through their meetings and visits to school they know the school very well.
Sarah Turner
Chair of Governors