
Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Opening Times

School Day


Start Times

Reception Class - children enter school from 8.45am

Key Stage 1 - (Year 1 & Year 2) - the bell rings at 8.55am and the should line up and wait to be escorted into school by school staff

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 - Year 6) - the bell rings at 8.50am and school staff will open the doors to let these year groups enter the school independently


Parents/carers ARE NOT permitted to enter the school building with their child unless instructed to do so by a member of the school staff. 



Reception & Key Stage 1 - 12 noon - 1.15pm

Key Stage 2 - 12 noon - 1.10pm


Finish Time

Reception & Key Stage 1 - 3.30pm

Key Stage 2 - 3.35pm



Children have a 15 minute playtime each morning and afternoon, although there may be occasions when children are given extra class support during these times.



In a typical school week this equates for a middle year group (eg Year 3) to 33.75  hours 




