
Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Pupil Premium


What is it?

The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.



Who is eligible?



A child’s family circumstances are taken into account when determining whether or not they qualify for free school meals. To be eligible, they must be receiving one or more of the following benefits:

  • Income support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support as a result of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit (If a household is earning less than £7,400 per year.)

Springhead Primary School receives a Pupil Premium Grant for each child who is entitled to receive Free School Meals or who has been entitled to over the last six years, any ‘Looked After Children’ and any children who have ceased to be looked after by the local authority because of adoption, a special guardianship or child arrangements order (Post-Looked After Children).



  • £1,385 for each eligible primary aged pupil
  • £2,410 for each Looked After Child
  • £2,410 for each Post Looked After Child
  • £320 for each Service Child

This year, schools will receive additional ‘Recovery Premium Funding’ to implement a ‘catch up strategy’ to address the impact of the interruptions to education because of COVID-19.  


 What is this funding used for?

We aim for every single one of our pupil premium funded children to reach at least national expectations in all areas.

We also want the attendance of our pupil premium funded children to exceed the attendance of all non-disadvantaged pupils nationally.


We have targeted our additional pupil premium funding on:

  • Ensuring we provide first rate quality teaching
  • Targeted intervention where necessary
  • Pastoral care and well-being
  • Enriching experiences
  • Parental engagement



We have a school wide commitment to raise achievement for pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium and know these pupils must make faster progress than non-eligible pupils. All staff work together with determination to achieve this.

  • We never confuse eligible pupils with low ability and strive to instil our ethos of ‘igniting ambition’ in this group of pupils and support them to achieve the highest levels.
  • We create an overall package of support aimed to tackle the range of barriers including; attendance, behaviour, external factors, professional development focussing on improving outcomes for eligible pupils, improving the quality of teaching and learning, language acquisition, parental engagement, opportunities for first hand experiences and development of literacy and numeracy skills.
  • We use assessment systems to track and enable thorough analysis of data, reviewing the work in books to identify pupils who are underachieving and why.
  • Leaders direct resources and interventions to accelerate progress of eligible pupils and close the attainment gap compared to their peers.
  • We use data to carefully track the impact of targeted spending (interventions, projects or pedagogy) on attainment and progress of eligible pupils.
  • The Senior leadership team and subject leaders have a clear overview of how funding is allocated and the difference it is making to the outcomes of pupils termly. They all take responsibility for accelerating progress and accountability is shared across the school.
  • The Governing Body is ambitious for pupils and closely monitors the school’s effectiveness in closing the gap between different groups of pupils.




Pupil Premium Strategy 2022 23
