
Welcome toSpringhead Primary School

Welcome toSpringhead Primary School


Homework Expectations


In year 5, the homework expectations are as follows:


  •  This will be given out where it is deemed necessary.  This could be because your child would benefit from extra practise or to extend and challenge.
  • Spellings will be tested weekly on a Friday. The weekly spellings are displayed in the separate 'yellow' Home Spelling Record.
  • DoodleMaths - Your child needs to achieve 30 stars a week over a minimum of 3 separate sessions.  
  • Reading - Please continue to support your child with regular reading at home. There is an expectation of four 20 minute reading sessions weekly.
  • Multiplication Tables - Children will be regularly practising multiplication tables and other mental skills and will be tested weekly. Further practice at home will enable them to answer quickly and accurately. Please help your child to develop confidence in these. 